The 10 Foods To Eat During the 2-Week Wait
It’s happening
Through the countless appointments, medications, and procedures! Now all there’s left to do is wait, and maybe wait a little more. These two weeks are a time for you to do absolutely nothing: love yourself, hug yourself, and reflect on how you’re stronger than was ever thought humanly possible!
I’ve heard from my patients that the hardest part of the 2-week wait is feeling like there is nothing else they can do, which makes the wait that much…crappier. They want to support their body in every way they can and they’re not sure how to do this after the embryo transfer. Luckily there IS something you can do, and that’s optimize diet! There are simple foods you can eat to increase pelvic circulation, build blood, decrease inflammation, and support progesterone. Eat them often and feel confident that you’re supporting your embryo and overall health! These foods are also great for egg quality during IVF, and have just the right amount of carbohydrates to support egg maturation. You do not want to be on a carb-free diet during IVF, the sugar is needed to help follicles grow and divide.
1. Blackstrap Molasses
1 tbsp of molasses has the same iron content as half of a small steak! Iron is needed to build nutrient rich blood. You can add it to oatmeal, smoothies, and in place of sugar in baking and cooking.
2. Beets
Beets produce nitric oxide (NO), which dilates the pelvic blood vessels. Beets allow your nutrient rich blood to be delivered to where it matters most – your embryo!
3. Spinach
Not only does spinach contain lots of iron, but it also benefits pelvic blood flow so that you can build a thick and plush uterine lining.
4. Lentils/ Beans
They’re the ultimate vegetarian source of protein, iron, fiber, zinc, potassium, and b-vitamins…everything your growing embryo needs.
5. Beef/Tofu
Organic, grass fed, hormone-free beef for the omnivores and non-GMO, organic tofu for the vegetarians. Both are powerful blood building foods. Beef is a source of heme iron, which is better absorbed than plant based irons for a quick boost. If you’re feeling adventurous, liver and oysters contain even more iron but they’re a hard sell with my patients!
6. Oats
Are you tired of hearing about iron yet? You need a heck of a lot of it to grow a baby and oats are another great source! Oats also contain beta-glucans, which support your immune system which takes a pretty big hit when you’re growing a baby.
7. Nuts: Almonds & Walnuts & Brazil nuts
Almonds and walnuts contain anti-inflammatory fatty acids AND nitric oxide for improving blood flow. The embryo implantation process actually requires a small amount of inflammation to succeed, but too much inflammation is detrimental.
8. Salmon
Alaskan, non-farmed salmon is the healthiest and highest source of omega- 3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA). These fats are found in every cell in your body, even your embryo’s. They support hormone production and cellular regeneration.
9. Seeds: Sunflower & Sesame & Hemp seeds
These 3 seeds have fatty acids that mimic progesterone, thus increasing overall progesterone levels in your body. Progesterone is needed to maintain endometrial thickness.
10. Pineapple (for fun)
It’s a well-adopted symbol for the fertility community, and for more reasons than one! Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can support embryo implantation and endometrial receptivity.
The 2-week wait is all about doing things that support your body and mind and make you feel happy; the hardest part of the IVF process is over. If you can fit in some of these healthy foods too, your embryo will thank you. They’re also all foods that are great for pregnancy nutrition.