Acupuncture and My Heart: A Personal Story


16 years ago I started experiencing abnormal heart palpitations. After a few years of misdiagnoses, I was told I had paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT for short). PSVT is just a fancy term for having a really, really fast heart rate due to extra electrical fibers in the heart interfering with the normal electrical circuit.

PSVT is not uncommon and not harmful. It wasn’t going to kill me, but it was annoying! It got in the way of me doing seemingly everyday things, like sitting on the couch, dancing at weddings, going in saunas, tripping up the stairs (which I do often), and even studying.


I met with two different cardiologists who both said the same thing- the only cure was cardiac ablation (burning the heart tissue that might be causing the abnormal rhythm). It was the only option so I made an appointment for the ablation 3 months into the future. But I was worried, I was worried that the ablation wouldn’t solve the problem and I’d just be left with a scarred heart.


Now here’s the point: After THREE acupuncture treatments, I had no more episodes. I went from having multiple episodes a month/week for 11 years to NONE at all. Needless to say I cancelled the surgery and I haven’t had a PSVT episode for EIGHT MONTHS. Every now and then when I’m really stressed I get a little episode, but I could not be happier with my treatment.

It’s not about “believing” in acupuncture. Acupuncture is not a belief system; it’s not alternative medicine, it’s JUST medicine. Medicine is the treatment and prevention of disease- and that’s exactly what acupuncture can do.

If you have PVST, acupuncture is an option. Talk to us about an evident based approach to dealing with you arrhythmia.


Book an appointment and try acupuncture out for yourself!


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